I have spent numerous hours searching and experimenting, but I have not been able to accomplish full interoperability between C# and Borland C++ Builder 6 (notably in handling events in a C++ application that are raised by the C# COM object).
I have been able to make calls to a COM object from the C++ application, but I have not been able to handle events.
I have successfully gotten event handling working (via an event sink) between VC++ and COM, thanks to codeproject
I have not been able to recreate this in C++ Builder 6.
Does anybody have any examples of this?
Sorry for the vague question. I will layout what I have gotten so far.
Using a sample I found, I have the following ManagedMusic
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ManagedMusic
public delegate void Stopped_EventHandler(byte songTitle, byte time);
public interface IMusicEvents
void Stopped(byte songTitle, byte time);
public interface IMusic
byte Play(byte songTitle, byte notify);
byte GetSongTitle();
void SetSongTitle(byte b);
public class Music : IMusic
private byte m_songTitle;
public event Stopped_EventHandler Stopped;
public Music()
this.m_songTitle = 0;
public byte GetSongTitle()
return m_songTitle;
public void SetSongTitle(byte b)
this.m_songTitle = b;
public byte Play(byte songTitle, byte notify)
this.m_songTitle = songTitle;
if(notify == 1)
Stopped(this.m_songTitle, 200);
return 123;
I have the correct settings (register type lib after build in project settings, et al).
I have created a new C++ package named MusicPackage
and imported the ManagedMusic
The C++ Builder generated the imports ManagedMusic_TLB (.h and .cpp files) and ManagedMusic_OCX (.h and .cpp files), which include the event sink.
I have created a MusicClient project in C++ builder. It contains a form, a button, and a textbox to show a SongTitle (set by pressing the button).
The button handler code looks like this:
void __fastcall TfrmMusic::btnPlayClick(TObject *Sender)
myMusic->Play(1, 0);
txtSongTitle->Text = myMusic->GetSongTitle();
ShowMessage("Should see a 1 in the textbox");
ShowMessage("Should get an error now because an event is being raised.");
myMusic->Play(1, 1); //Sets the SongTitle and also raises an event. - Error is here
The COM Event handler code is:
void __fastcall TfrmMusic::myMusicStopped(TObject *Sender,
unsigned_char songTitle, unsigned_char time)
ShowMessage("Receive an event.");
The error is 'this->Play(songTitle, notify, (unsigned_char*)&pRetVal)': Not implemented @ ManagedMusic_TLB.h/164
The code is (generated file ManagedMusic_TLB.h)
unsigned_char __fastcall Play(unsigned_char songTitle/*[in]*/, unsigned_char notify/*[in]*/)
unsigned_char pRetVal;
OLECHECK(this->Play(songTitle, notify, (unsigned_char*)&pRetVal)); <--- Line 164
return pRetVal;
The return value of this-Play . . .
is -2147467263 (0x8004001)
Has anybody successfully handled events raised by a C# COM object in Borland C++?