




is there anybody out there, with experiences about how to do a gantt-diagram / chart using latex.

I tryed it for a lot of hours today, lastly it worked switching outpout from pdf to dvi. Maybe someone can tell me what to include, besides pst-gantt, and the normal pstricks stuff.

It showed more than 100 errors for 4 Tasks.. after switching to dvi there was a big 0.

i am using the whole distribution mitex .. upgradet to the newest version. stupidly i have the error log not avaible on this computer. but it was always the same error. i was using pst-gantt, outload missing packages.. hm errors will follow tomorrow morning


i am using the whole distribution mitex .. upgradet to the newest version. stupidly i have the error log not avaible on this computer. but it was always the same error. i was using pst-gantt, outload missing packages.. hm errors will follow tomorrow morning.

Sven Klouem
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+2  A: 

Reading the pst-gantt README it looks like this depends on the pstricks package. I believe that the "ps" is for postscript and the functionality is implemented by generating DVI "special" commands; which means that you can't produce output pdf directly using pdflatex. You can get to PDF output, but you must go by way of DVI. Either source->DVI->PDF or even source->DVI->PS->PDF.

@Sven, @Mica, @dmckee: A lot of code for pstricks works unchanged with pdftricks: it might be worth seeing if the two character change to pst-gantt.sty does the trick.
Charles Stewart