




I have an XML (in the form of tree), I require to create sub-tree out of it.

For ex:


Subtree would be


What is the best XML library in python to do it? Any algorithm that already does this would also be helpful. Note: the XML doc won't be that big, it will easily fit in memory.


ElementTree is good and simple for both "reading" and "writing".

Your first XML example (I edited your question just to add formatting so it would be readable!) is invalid, I assume missing close-tags for b and d as appear in what you call "the subtree" (which looks nothing like a subtree to me, but does look like it's intended as a rewrite of your first form).

Net of "prettyfication" issues (e.g. adding newlines and indents to make the resulting XML look pretty;-), this code should do what you're asking, if I understand you correctly:

  import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
  import cStringIO as sio
except ImportError:
  import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
  import StringIO as sio

xmlin = sio.StringIO('''<a>

tin = et.parse(xmlin)
top = tin.getroot()
tou = et.ElementTree(et.Element('root'))
newtop = tou.getroot()
for child in top.getchildren():
  subtree = et.Element(top.tag)

import sys

The try/except at the start tries to use the C versions of the modules on "normal" platforms where they're available, fall back to the pure-Python modules otherwise (for App Engine, Jython, IronPython, ...).

Then I build two trees -- tin, the input one, from the XML string you're given; tou, the output one, initially empty except for the root element.

All the rest is a very simple loop on all subelements of tin's root: for each, a suitable subtree is built and appended to the subelements of tou's root -- that's all there is to it.

The last two lines show the resulting tree (not pretty, due to whitespace issues, but perfectly correct in terms of XML structure;-).

Alex Martelli