



We have an ASP.Net MVC solution built in VS2008 and TFS2008. We use TFS Build and use Continuous Integration.

We have a deployment pipeline that enables us to progress a build, eventually, to our live site...

  • Internal Dev (immediate deployment following a build)
  • External Dev (used by internal testers to make sure it works on the production server)
  • External Test (used by our client to test themselves)
  • Live (self explanatory).

I have 2 questions relating to this

  1. Which ones of these should be built in Debug and which in Release?
  2. How should I write my TFSBuild.proj files to cope with this strategy?
+2  A: 

As per your points, only the Internal dev should be in Debug mode. The External Dev should be in Release mode if you want to mimic the production environment

Mel Gerats