




I noticed that in C# there are both a byte and Byte data type. They both say they are of type struct System.Byte and represent an 8-digit unsigned integer.

So I am curious as to what the difference if any is between the two, and why you would use one over the other.


+3  A: 

No difference. byte is alias to System.Byte, the same way int is alias to System.Int32, long to System.Int64, string to System.String, ...

Darin Dimitrov
+2  A: 

They are generally the same.

+10  A: 

byte and System.Byte in C# are identical. byte is simply syntactic sugar, and is recommended by StyleCop (for style guidelines).

Adam Maras
In fact byte is called an alias of System.Byte
Patrick Peters
thanks for the answer +1, gave the answer to Guffa for a good usage example, but you had a good answer as well
+4  A: 

C# has a number of aliases for the .NET types. byte is an alias for Byte just as string is an alias for String and int is an alias for Int32. I.e. byte and Byte are the same actual type.

Brian Rasmussen
+4  A: 

Nothing, the lowercase one is a keyword which is an alias for the Byte type.

This is pure syntactic sugar.

Gerrie Schenck
+12  A: 

The byte keyword is an alias for the System.Byte data type.

They represent the same data type, so the resulting code is identical. There are only some differences in usage:

  • You can use byte even if the System namespace is not included. To use Byte you have to have a using System; at the top of the page, or specify the full namespace System.Byte.

  • There are a few sitations where C# only allows you to use the keyword, not the framework type, for example:


enum Fruits : byte // this works
  Apple, Orange

enum Fruits : Byte // this doesn't work
  Apple, Orange
+1 for actually pointing out a difference :)
Ruben Steins
yes, i agree +1 Thanks for the great answer!

byte is a built-in data type in C#.
System.Byte is a struct that represent a byte and provides extra methods like Parse and TryParse.

byte is alias of System.Byte struct. Different .NET languages have different aliases based on the semantics of the particular language, but they all map to specific types in the .NET framework.
