I have been trying to change the style of buttons in my firefox extension sidebar with a CSS file (change skin). However, the buttons don't seem to take over the style changes. I tried both background images and just changing color etc., which are both not working. Is it possible to influence the button style at all in my firefox extension sidebar?
wouldn't this be a better question for a firefox support-forum?
EDIT: what sidebar are we talking about? i don't remember a built-in "extension sidebar" and there are a lot of "sidebar" addons on mozilla.com...
EDIT2: maybe this helps you out... have you tried to edit the "button.css" (whereever you can find it...)
2010-03-10 09:57:05
I am creating a new extension, its not built-in. I would like to make to change the style of the button by changing the skin, not necessarily editing the any original mozilla css files.
2010-03-10 11:01:46
Your button's css needs to have -moz-appearance: none; to do any styling on it otherwise you'll get the OS native look and feel.
2010-03-19 03:25:38