



Since more details about the planned Micorsoft Courier device came out last week, I've been thinking about development for such a device. Specifically I've been thinking about the implications of working with multiple screens.

Admittedly most of the details of this device are still unknown but what is clear is that it will have 2 screens.

Do you have experience developing for a device which has multiple screens? The only other device I can think of is the Nintendo DS family of devices but if you know of others that'd be interesting too.

What specific challenges relate to developing for a device with two (or more - if there are any such devices) screens?

I suspect that development of an application which works on a device with 2 dedicated screens has different requirements (of the developer & designer) to a desktop device which has screens (forms) which can be spread over multiple monitors. Do you have any experience/insight on this?

Obviously, I appreciate that this is quite vague but all I'm after is some ideas/experience/insight into the/any new challenges which are specific to developing for a device with multiple screens.