As I know I can define a new Enum DataFormat at the my project Class, Suppose, I don't do that, I can reference the DataFormat from the 3rd-Party DLL. Then I can use the Enum DataFormat from the metadata of 3rd-Party DLL too.
What's the difference? And are the any guideline to define A new Enum DataFormat ? Thanks.
public enum DataFormat
SECS = 0,
S2_L = 4,
S2_B = 8,
S2_BOOLEAN = 12,
S2_A = 16,
S2_J = 20,
S2_U1 = 24,
S2_U2 = 25,
S2_U4 = 26,
S2_U8 = 27,
S2_I1 = 28,
S2_I2 = 29,
S2_I4 = 30,
S2_I8 = 31,
S2_F4 = 34,
S2_F8 = 35,
S2_STRING = 36,