Dear Gurus
I have seen many articles and Questions/Answers Regarding Lock Escalation but following things are still vague. Please answer to the specific required information.
If Lock Escalation is disabled will there be Intended Locks on higher resources like on Page or Table???
If a Lock(IX) is placed on Page can another connection acquire lock(S) or lock(X) on a ROW within that page.
Does Intended lock behaves same like Shared lock i.e. if Lock(IX) or Lock(IS) is placed on a table we can't insert a new row in the table.
Please help me to understand above scenarios and also i would like to tell you that in my application there will no more than 2 or 3 locks within one table from one connection but my application is multi threaded and may acquire more than 20 connections concurrently so should i disable the lock escalation??? specially if answer of question 1 is "NO".
Thanks and Regards