





I created a new View (LogView) in Infrastructure.Module project. This view will be used as LogViewer like output window in VS. i want to write different status messags in this LogView from different modules.

I also created a class LogWriter which is publishing an event to write message into LogView

i am facing problem to access this LogWriter class in my whole application.. please tell me how can i use this...

public class LogWriter 
        [EventPublication(EventTopicNames.WriteToLog, PublicationScope.Global)]
        public event EventHandler<EventArgs<string>> WriteToLog;

        private void OnWriteToLog(EventArgs<string> eventArgs)
            if (WriteToLog != null)
                WriteToLog(null, eventArgs);

        public void WriteMsg(string msg)
            OnWriteToLog(new EventArgs<string>(msg));

and in LogView event subscription is

 [EventSubscription(EventTopicNames.WriteToLog, ThreadOption.UserInterface)]
        public void OnWriteToLog(object sender, EventArgs<string> eventArgs)
            this.txtLogs.AppendText(eventArgs.Data + Environment.NewLine);

please suggest me a solution

LogWriter class is in Infrastructure.Interface project LogViewer is in Infrastructure.Module project

In ModuleController.cs of Infrastructure.Module i Added LogWriter in WorkItem.Services Collection


and in one other project i am getting it using

var logWriter = WorkItem.Services.Get(); if (logWriter != null) logWriter.WriteMsg("message");

but it is returning me null.

module loading sequence is also correct.


Add this attribute to your LogWriter class

[Service(typeof(LogWriter), AddOnDemand=true)]
public class LogWriter

then in your code simply access it by doing this:

var logWriter = WorkItem.Service.Get<LogWriter>();
if (logWriter != null)

This will require that the Module that the LogWriter is in is loaded before the one that tries to access it. I would recommend adding a module dependency if they are seperated. The exact way to do it depends on the IModuleLoader you are using.

Tom Anderson
with the event subscriptions, be sure that your View is either BuiltUp or added to one of the ObjectCollections of the WorkItem (SmartParts or Items).
Tom Anderson
the line var logWriter = WorkItem.Service.Get<LogWriter>(); always returning null
is the LogWriter class in the same assembly as a ModuleInit class?
Tom Anderson
Also, try removing the AddOnDemand bit
Tom Anderson
I have 17 modules..LogWriter class is in Infrastructure.Interface and LogView is in Infrastructure.Module project. which always loads on application startup. and i am accessing LogWriter from other modules.. but it is returning null.
You may have to manually add the service.WorkItem.Services.AddNew<LogWriter>();One caveat to that is that you will have to add a module dependency to be sure that the service is added before you use it.
Tom Anderson
one thing i can do is to create a static object of LogWriter in each module using WorkItem.Items.AddNew<LogWriter>() and access this static object in desired classes of that module. I do not think this will be good approach.