




I have installed Vim and MinGW on my machine, so I try to create Hello World then compile in in Vim and everything work fine. However when I type :make it show error 'make' not recognized as an internal or external command.

I already added variable path to C:\MinGW\bin. I want to know how to configure Vim or my machine to allow make command.


Can you confirm that there is a make.exe in C:\MinGW\bin? I seem to remember that last time I installed mingw, it was called mingw32-make.exe.

If there is no make.exe but there is a mingw32-make.exe, you'll have to change the 'makeprg' option:

:set makeprg=mingw32-make
Could you suggest me, where can I learn about more about vim?
In The Pink
There's a lot of very useful information in the documentation (`:help`): read through some of the `usr_XX.txt` files to find out all sorts of information. There are some good hints on http://vim.wikia.com as well. To be honest, there's so much information out there the best way to learn (assuming you've read the basics in the `usr_XX.txt` files) is to use it, work out what you're doing a lot and then try to find a better way: either by using `:helpgrep`, googling or by asking questions here on on the mailing list. See also http://www.moolenaar.net/habits.html