




I am trying to write a replacement regular expression to surround all words in quotes except the words AND, OR and NOT.

I have tried the following for the match part of the expression:




but neither work. The replacement expression is simple and currently surrounds all words.



This and This not That


"This" and "This" not "That"

+6  A: 

This is a little dirty, but it works:

(?<!\b(?:and| or|not))\b(?!(?:and|or|not)\b)

In plain English, this matches any word boundary not preceded by and not followed by "and", "or", or "not". It matches whole words only, e.g. the position after the word "sand" would not be a match just because it is preceded by "and".

The space in front of the "or" in the zero-width look-behind assertion is necessary to make it a fixed length look-behind. Try if that already solves your problem.

EDIT: Applied to the string "except the words AND, OR and NOT." as a global replace with single quotes, this returns:

'except' 'the' 'words' AND, OR and NOT.
The only situation where this can fail is when the string starts with the word "or". Okay, and it contains the hidden assumption that spaces separate your words. Both situations can be migrated if you know your data.
As with all regex, it is crazy but it works. (?<word>[a-z0-9]+)(?<!and| or|not)\b(?!and|or|not)Thanks
What do you need "(?<word>[a-z0-9]+)" for? Are you trying to surround your words with quotes or are you trying to pluck them out of the string?
that fails for words ending or beginning with any of the given words. "helloand not goodbye" -> "'helloand not 'goodbye'"
True. Thanks for the tip, I expanded the regex to account for that.
+1  A: 

Call me crazy, but I'm not a fan of fighting regex; I limit my patterns to simple things I can understand, and often cheat for the rest - for example via a MatchEvaluator:

    string[] whitelist = new string[] { "and", "not", "or" };
    string input = "foo and bar or blop";
    string result = Regex.Replace(input, @"([a-z0-9]+)",
        delegate(Match match) {
            string word = match.Groups[1].Value;
            return Array.IndexOf(whitelist, word) >= 0
                ? word : ("\"" + word + "\"");

(edited for more terse layout)

Marc Gravell
I call you crazy. :-P
@Tomalak: Touché
Marc Gravell
Unfortunately it is dot net 2 so no lambda just yet
Fine, I'll edit for C# 2.0 (you mean C# 2.0, not .NET 2.0; you can use it with C# 3.0 and .NET 2.0)
Marc Gravell

Based on Tomalaks answer:


This regex has two problems:

  1. (?<! ) only works for fixed length look-behind

  2. The previous regex only looked at end ending/beginning of the surrounding words, not the whole word.


This regex fixes both the above problems. First by splitting the look-behind into three separate ones. Second by adding word-boundaries (\b) inside the look-arounds.

+3  A: 


The regex in your question is almost correct. The only problem is that you put the lookahead at the end of the regex instead of at the start. Also, you need to add word boundaries to force the regex to match whole words. Otherwise, it will match "nd" in "and", "r" in "or", etc, because "nd" and "r" are not in your negative lookahead.


Jan Goyvaerts
Yes, everyone else is making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be. In particular, there's no need for negative (or positive, for that matter) lookbehinds or named captures.
Alan Moore


I use this regex to find all words that are not within double quotes or are the words "not" "and" or "or."