



How do I output coloured text from by unit tests in the Unit Test Session window in Visual Studio. I am using Resharper VS addin which I think produces the Unit Test Window.

I am using this with nunit and wish to use c# Console.Write to generate coloured text to this window.

+1  A: 

It is not possible in my opinion. You write text to this window by using Debug.WriteLine() or Console.WriteLine().
How do you want to pass information about the color? I gave it two tries:

  • HTML is not parsed
  • The richtext format is not parsed

I have no other idea and I don't think that it is working somehow.

maybe Ansi console codes... will give it a try tomorrow.
Tony Lambert

I think it is not possible because the output of log4net ColoredConsoleAppender is black and white in Resharper test runner.

Al Bundy