



Possible Duplicate:
Can Read-Only Properties be Implemented in Pure JavaScript?

I have an Object that I only want to be defined when constructed. How can I prevent the Object reference from being changed?

+4  A: 

Realistically... by not overwriting it. You could always control access by wrapping it in an object that only offers GetObj with no SetObj, but of course, the wrapper is equally liable to overwriting, as are its "private" member properties that would be "hidden" via the GetObj method.

Actually, question is a dupe:


After reading , it is possible to use closure to create variable references that are truely inaccessible from the outside world. For instance:

function objectHider(obj)
    this.getObject=function(){return obj;}

var someData={apples:5,oranges:4}

var hider=new objectHider(someData);

//... hider.getObject()

where the reference to obj in objectHider cannot be modified after object creation.

I'm trying to think of a practical use for this.

Actually `hider.getObject` simply returns a reference to the `someData` object, and it *can* be modified, e.g.: `hider.getObject().apples = 0;` then `hider.getObject();` will return the same modified object, since `hider.getObject() == someData`...
Sure, but it's the same object. I only claimed the reference to it was unchangeable, not its properties. Now, if someData also implemented hider tech...?
+3  A: 

In the current widely available implementation, ECMAScript 3 there is no support for real immutability.

The ECMAScript 5 standard adds the Object.seal and Object.freeze methods.

The Object.seal method will prevent property additions, still allowing the user to write to or edit the properties.

The Object.freeze method will completely lock an object. Objects will stay exactly as they where when you freeze them and once an object has been frozen it cannot be unfrozen.

In conclusion, for real object immutability we will have to wait until ECMAScript 5

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