




Is it possible to export a flash movie with a transparent background as a .MOV.

I don't mean for embedding in a website, I mean the actual .MOV (or .avi).

What I'm trying to accomplish is that I have a flash animation that I want to embed in a WPF application. I don't want to use a Browser within the WPF because of all of the issues that surround the browser control (has to be topmost control, etc).

So my solution was to export said animation as a movie and play it in the MediaElement control. The only problem is that I need the background to be transparent, and I can't find a way to do this.

Any suggestions or alternative solutions would be most welcome.


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in the Flash IDE:

File > Export > Export Movie > ...choose Quicktime format > tick 'Ignore stage color(generate alpha channel)' and you're done.

This works for actionscript generated graphics too. Not much code there.

George Profenza