



Once I've mapped my domain in NHibernate, how can I reverse lookup those mappings somewhere else in my code?


The entity Pony is mapped to a table named "AAZF1203" for some reason. (Stupid legacy database table names!) I want to find out that table name from the NH mappings using only the typeof(Pony) because I have to write a query elsewhere.

How can I make the following test pass?

private const string LegacyPonyTableName = "AAZF1203";

public void MakeSureThatThePonyEntityIsMappedToCorrectTable()
    string ponyTable = GetNHibernateTableMappingFor(typeof(Pony));
    Assert.AreEqual(LegacyPonyTableName, ponyTable);

In other words, what does the GetNHibernateTableMappingFor(Type t) need to look like?

+4  A: 

At which point do you need that information?

Because it depends on what you have...

Not long ago I had to get the table name from an audit event listener, and I used this:

IPostDatabaseOperationEventArgs args //parameter
var tableName = ((ILockable)args.Persister).RootTableName.ToLower();

You could also get it from the session...

                   .GetEntityPersister(null, new Pony())).RootTableName
Diego Mijelshon
Beautiful! I used the first operation you mentioned because I am trying to pull this out in a SaveEventListener. I can pull the persister from the eventArgs there. I didn't realize that I had to cast it to ILockable. Works perfectly.