I have a whole bunch of unit tests written in MbUnit and I would like to generate plain English sentences from test names. The concept is introduced here:
This is from the article:
public class CustomerLookupTest extends TestCase {
testFindsCustomerById() {
testFailsForDuplicateCustomers() {
renders something like this:
CustomerLookup - finds customer by id - fails for duplicate customers - ...
Unfortunately the tool quoted in the above article (testdox) is Java based. Is there one for .NET?
Sounds like this would be something pretty simple to write, but I simply don't have the bandwidth and want to use something already written.
EDIT: Just to clarify the question. I am looking at something that can whiz through existing tests and convert CamelCase function names into sentences. Seems like a perfect job for some sort of Gallio plugin.
So far I somehow found SpecUnit and Jay has suggested BDDDoc. Both of those are behaviour verification frameworks that will require a significant rewrite of the exisitng tests. Our team has made the decision to go with SpecFlow as a main BDD framework and what I was trying to achieve is to generate a report of the existing tests to see how well it fits the BDD approach.