I'm having trouble reading and writing QByteArray data to a file.
My goal is to save QPixmap data into a QByteArray and save that QByteArray to a file (with the ability to read this QByteArray back from the file and into a QPixmap). I want to use following code from the QPixmap documentation:
QPixmap pixmap(<image path>);
QByteArray bytes;
QBuffer buffer(&bytes);
pixmap.save(&buffer, "PNG"); // writes pixmap into bytes in PNG format
After writing the buffer to a file, I want to be able to retrieve the QByteArray and load it back into a QPixmap using the QPixmap::loadFromData() function.
Please let me know if any further clarification is needed (I'm open to alternative approaches as well, I just need to be able to read and write the QPixmap to a file! :) );