We have a browser based application written in PHP in which I want to drag-n-drop files from the windows explorer or directly email attachments(this would be very cool). On dropping the files in the browser application, it should save it on a particular folder on the server. Any help on how this can be achieved would be really appreciated.
JS or HTML5 would seem to be your best bets. But I have had trouble with d&d in MSIE (FF was ok). The downside is that HTML is not scheduled to be finalized until 2022(!) - you can expect support before then (even today), but it may not be consistent.
There is a good HTML demo here http://ljouanneau.com/lab/html5/demodragdrop.html
This will also allow you to d&d stuff from the browser to the PC (bi-directional)
I don't do JS so can't help you there, sorry (I'm a PHP guy too ;-)
2010-03-12 06:43:51