Over a year ago, I remember watching one of DevExpress evangelists previewing or at least promoting rich Javascript refactoring (beyond just limited intellisense) within the Visual Studio shell, I recall part of CodeRush/DevExpress product line. I was excited.
On checking today (lmgtfy) I can find only very very limited reference to it, just one small italtic line about beta in product description, no videos, no blog posts, no community buzz. Was it dropped? Vapourware? Poor implementation that they dont even promote it?
With Javascript arguably the most popular programming language ever and with a VM for it on practically every machine in last 10 years, why is editor support so poor? (Compared with those for Java and C#)? You see the likes of ScottGu bragging we now have jQuery intellisense but compare this to richness of C# support in the IDE it is a joke.
Someone once said since there are many style of writing Javascript a rich IDE (beyond intellisense) with refactoring support is difficult, but if several engines can interpret/compile JS with same result surely it should be hard to analysis it to support stuff like rename variable, extract method, move to another namespace (or JS minic of it), etc.. Am I wrong?