




I tried to connect to my POP3 school server as part of my assignment. Now, I can connect to the server but the real problem is when I try to log in using the "USER" command.

c:/>nc server.pop3.com 110
+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 POP3 server version 6.5.7638.1 (server.pop3.com) ready.
USER myuserid
-ERR Protocol error

Now I'm wondering whether there's an issue on my side or on the server? Thank you for the time and answers.


Use CAPA command just after connection.

You'll see what login mechanisms are supported.

Exchange usually does not allow clear text mechanisms. Most likely you'll be forced to use SSL+plain text, or APOP login mechanism.

Pawel Lesnikowski
I'm having the same problem as the original poster. Trying CAPA as the first command also gives '-ERR Protocol error'.
Andreas Jansson
Try connecting using SSL.
Pawel Lesnikowski