



Hi everybody I have a contextmenustrip control that allows you to execute an action is two different flawours. Sync and Async. I am trying to covert everything using Generics so I did this:

public class BaseContextMenu<T> : IContextMenu
   private T executor
   public void Exec(Action<T> action){
   public void ExecAsync(Action<T> asyncAction){

How I can write the async method in order to execute the generic action and 'do something' with the menu in the meanwhile? I saw that the signature of BeginInvoke is something like:

asyncAction.BeginInvoke(thi.executor, IAsyncCallback, object);

you pointed to right method. read this article to better understand the whole concept.


Here is Jeffrey Richter's article on .NET asynchronous programming model.

Here is an example of how BeginInvoke can be used:

public class BaseContextMenu<T> : IContextMenu
    private T executor;

    public void Exec(Action<T> action)

    public void ExecAsync(Action<T> asyncAction, AsyncCallback callback)
        asyncAction.BeginInvoke(this.executor, callback, asyncAction);

And here is a callback method that can be passed to the ExecAsync:

private void Callback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
    Action<T> asyncAction = (Action<T>) asyncResult.AsyncState;
Andrew Bezzub
let me have a look
Thanks, this is what I was looking for. I had just an issue with the lambda expression, I didn't need a course on multithreading programming. ;-)

Simplest option:

// need this for the AsyncResult class below
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;

public class BaseContextMenu<T> : IContextMenu
    private T executor;

    public void Exec(Action<T> action) {

    public void ExecAsync(Action<T> asyncAction) {
        // specify what method to call when asyncAction completes
        asyncAction.BeginInvoke(this.executor, ExecAsyncCallback, null);

    // this method gets called at the end of the asynchronous action
    private void ExecAsyncCallback(IAsyncResult result) {
        var asyncResult = result as AsyncResult;
        if (asyncResult != null) {
            var d = asyncResult.AsyncDelegate as Action<T>;
            if (d != null)
                // all calls to BeginInvoke must be matched with calls to
                // EndInvoke according to the MSDN documentation
Dan Tao