




I have a mixed Java / C# project and use an ant script that contains a csc task to compile the dll. This works, but I get a warning

  [csc] This task is deprecated and will be removed in a future version
  [csc] of Ant.  It is now part of the .NET Antlib:
  [csc] http://ant.apache.org/antlibs/dotnet/index.html

How can I replace the csc task? I can surely create an exec task calling nant with a project.build file, but that feels completely wrong.

EDIT To clarify: I am mainly using this on Linux and writing the Nant script to compile the C# part of the project is no problem. Currently I call it from the Ant script by

<target name="build-mono-stuff">
    <exec executable="nant">
        <arg value="build-stuff"/>

but I hoped to find a better solution than invoking an exec.

EDIT 2 So I tried get the nant from .NET AntLib to work. This is how far I got:

<taskdef name="mono-compile" classname="org.apache.ant.dotnet.build.NAntTask">
    <classpath location="lib/ant-dotnet-1.0.jar" />
<target name="build-mono-stuff">
    <mono-compile buildfile="mono.build"></mono-compile>

First run:

[mono-compile] Cannot open assembly 'NAnt.exe': No such file or directory.

Then I put NAnt.exe from the Ubuntu nant package into the PATH and I get

[mono-compile] The "nant" section in the NAnt configuration file (/bin/NAnt.exe.config) is not available.

Any ideas?


Having no experience with Ant, this is how I would do it in NAnt:

  <msbuild buildfile="foo.csproj">
    <property name="Configuration" value="Debug" />
    <!-- ... -->

You may pass C# project files (or even Visual Studio solution files) directly to MSBuild. That should be much more convenient than doing it through CSC. Find a list of common MSBuild properties here.

The Chairman
+1  A: 

In my own NAnt files, I don't use the <msbuild> task - I execute the msbuild.exe application directly:

<!-- Ensure MSBuild is available -->
<property name="msbuild.dir"
<property name="msbuild.exe"
          value="${path::combine(msbuild.dir, 'MSBuild.exe')}"/>  
<fail message="MSBuild not fould in ${msbuild.dir}"
      unless="${file::exists( msbuild.exe )}"/>

<!-- Compile everything -->
<exec program="${msbuild.exe}">
  <arg file="NAntGraph2.sln"/>
  <arg value="/t:rebuild"/>
  <arg value="/verbosity:quiet"/>

You should be able to do something pretty similar in your ant script.

Note: this does assume that you have msbuild available, and a Visual Studio style .sln file available, so it's not a 100% replacement for csc, just one that suits most situations.


The error message tells you all.

You should avoid using low level commands such as csc, and move on to build your *.csproj project with or execute NANT script with which are available in .NET Ant Library.


It's just like using another ANT library and the page provides basic examples already.

Lex Li