Hi All,
I need all your help in guiding me with working on HL7 Interface Integration which I am to work on between two disperate clinical applications.
Its something like this ,let me explain my query with an example.
"We have Epic system that places orders(lab,medications..etc) presently.Now,next these lab orders are to result in another Cerner application.
For this,there has to be a INTERFACE ENGINE which has to read the HL7 messages coming from the EPIC system and translate them to proper messages for the Cerner SYSTEM and then write into their database.
So,could you please explain me with an example interface engine which reads the HL-7 messages first and translates them to Cerner application format.
How will i implement a Interface Engine here which would read the EPIC data?
What steps are involved? An example would be best.
Mainly,orders are first placed in EPIC and is to resulted in Cerner applications.
**PLEASE PLEASE help me with understanding the process,and how to do interface intregation with an Interface Engine?
Thanks Rohit