




I am creating an application and i would like to implement a progress window that appears when a lengthy process is taking place.

I've created a standard windows form project to which i've created my app using the default form. I've also created a new form to use as a progress window.

The problem arises when i open the progress window (in a function) using:


When this command is encountered, the focus is on the progress window and i assume it's now the window who's mainloop is being processed for events. The downside is it blocks the execution of my lengthy operation in the main form.

If i open the progress window using:


Then the window opens correctly and now doesn't block the execution of the main form but it doesn't act as a child (modal) window should, i.e. allows the main form to be selected, is not centered on the parent, etc..

Any ideas how i can open a new window but continue processing in the main form?

+3  A: 

You probably start your lenthy operation in a separeate worker thread (e.g. using a background worker). Then show your form using ShowDialog() and on completion of the thread close the dialog you are showing.

Here is a sample - in this I assume that you have two forms (Form1 and Form2). On Form1 I pulled a BackgrouldWorker from the Toolbox. Then I connected the RunWorkerComplete event of the BackgroundWorker to a event handler in my form. Here is the code that handles the events, and shows the dialog:

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1() {

    private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
        e.Result = e.Argument;

    private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) {
        var dlg = e.Result as Form2;
        if (dlg != null) {

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        var dlg = new Form2();
Ah yes, i had completely forgotten about background workers!
Gary Willoughby
+2  A: 

Another option: Use ProgressWindow.Show() & implement the modal-window behavior yourself. parentForm.Enabled = false, position the form yourself, etc.

Conrad Albrecht
+1, this is the best way.
Hans Passant
This is an easier way, but the best way?
Gary Willoughby
Hmm, I thought it was "best" (because I consider ShowDialog() basically a hack, due to its sitting on the stack for a long time and calling DoEvents() ), but not "easier" (because you have to emulate the modal-dialog behavior yourself). So if you think its easier, I'd say go for it.
Conrad Albrecht

I implemented something very similar to this for another project. This form allows you to popup a modal dialog from within a worker thread:

public partial class NotificationForm : Form
    public static SynchronizationContext SyncContext { get; set; }

    public string Message
        get { return lblNotification.Text; }
        set { lblNotification.Text = value; }

    public bool CloseOnClick { get; set; }

    public NotificationForm()

    public static NotificationForm AsyncShowDialog(string message, bool closeOnClick)
        if (SyncContext == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("SyncContext",
                                            "NotificationForm requires a SyncContext in order to execute AsyncShowDialog");

        NotificationForm form = null;

        //Create the form synchronously on the SyncContext thread
        SyncContext.Send(s => form = CreateForm(message, closeOnClick), null);

        //Call ShowDialog on the SyncContext thread and return immediately to calling thread
        SyncContext.Post(s => form.ShowDialog(), null);
        return form;

    public static void ShowDialog(string message)
        //Perform a blocking ShowDialog call in the calling thread
        var form = CreateForm(message, true);

    private static NotificationForm CreateForm(string message, bool closeOnClick)
        NotificationForm form = new NotificationForm();
        form.Message = message;
        form.CloseOnClick = closeOnClick;
        return form;

    public void AsyncClose()
        SyncContext.Post(s => Close(), null);

    private void NotificationForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void lblNotification_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (CloseOnClick)

To use, you'll need to set the SyncContext from somewhere in your GUI thread:

NotificationForm.SyncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
Dan Bryant