



I am working on a Silverlight project that uses Django on the server using piston for the REST API. I understand that Silverlight doesn't support the PUT and DELETE http verbs. Is there another way i can pass these kinds of commands to piston?

+2  A: 

Silverlight 3 does support PUT and DELETE if you use client networking stack. For details see: How to: Specify Browser or Client HTTP Handling

ok so i got further than before by registering the clienthttp prefix, but now i'm getting a security error. i assumed this was a problem with crossdomain.xml, so i added <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*"/>, but i'm still getting the security error. is there something else i need to do to allow PUT and DELETE?
Jason Miesionczek
i also just added a clientaccesspolicy.xml file, and nothing changed :(
Jason Miesionczek
eh, decided to switch to ASP.NET MVC + RIA Services for this project. thanks for the help anyways. i'll give ya the check mark.
Jason Miesionczek