Hi, I am trying to insert a time only value, but get the following error
- ex {"SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM."} System.Exception
From the front end, the time is selected using the "TimeEdit" control, with the up and down arrows. The table in SQL Server has the fields set as smalldatetime. I only need to store the time. I use the following to return data to the app
select id,CONVERT(CHAR(5),timeFrom,8)as timeFrom,CONVERT(CHAR(5),timeTo,8)as timeTo FROM dbo.Availability where id = @id and dayName = @weekday
How do I pass time only to the table?
Edit ~ Solution As per Euardo and Chris, my solution was to pass a datetime string instead of a time only string. I formatted my result as per Time Format using "g".