



I've read through a lot of posts regarding the problem, but none of the proposed solutions have worked for me. I continue to get an error stating, "The permissions granted to user '\Rich' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)." If I am logged in as the local administrator account, entering the Reporting Services URL in IE doesn't give me that error, but it takes me to a blank page. I haven't been able to get to a SSRS home page at all.

Order of operations: I installed and patched Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit I installed SQL Server Express 2008 with Advanced Services using the MS web installer. I downloaded and installed SP1 for SQL Server Express 2008.

I've tried running IE as administrator, adding local machine to trusted sites, and just about every other suggestion I've found. I even ran the entire installation logged in as the local administrator. Nothing seems to work. Could someone please tell me, considering the above installation process, what I should expect to do after to make this work?

+1  A: 

if you want to access reporting server from your web application you must add NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE in new role assignment in report manager and give it every permission that you want.

if you want to add permission to a person that exist in a domain, you must add this user like below :


and give the needed permissions to this user.

masoud ramezani
Just a couple of points: this is all running on my laptop, and I never get to the report manager. I get the above error when trying to access it.

Have you given yourself administrative rights to SQL Server 2008? I don't think it automatically gives Administrator rights during installation, other than for the SQL sa account if using Mixed Mode Authentication. I ask because it's not mentioned in your list of steps in the question.

See step #16 here:
How to Install SQL Server 2008 (Setup)

"SQL Server Administrators — You must specify at least one system administrator for the instance of SQL Server. To add the account under which SQL Server Setup is running, click Add Current User. To add or remove accounts from the list of system administrators, click Add or Remove, and then edit the list of users, groups, or computers that will have administrator privileges for the instance of SQL Server. "

Why the downvote?
I did specify "Add Current User" during the SQL Server installation, yes.

When launching Internet Explorer, right click and launch it as administrator.

In his third paragraph, "I've tried running IE as administrator, ..." @Rich.Carpenter - Are you logging in as an administrator and using IE, or using Run As?
Both. Logging in as a local administrator as well as using "Run as administrator".

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