



I hav visual studio 2008 project and in client computer in crystal report there occurs error and the message is "CrystalDescision.CrystalReports.Engine, Version=10.5.3700.0,Culture=neutral..." so how can i load cyrstal report without installing visual studio 2008...


I believe you need to the give them the crystal report dll's


We had the same issue in our project and the solution was to have the client install Crystal reports on his PC.

You will need to install only the Basic Runtime version of CrystalReports which you can get from here (this corresponds to the 10.5 version).

Regarding deployment you have 2 options:

  • Make CrystalReports a prerequisite - for example if you have an installer for your application you can mark CrystalReports as a prerequisite and every time the setup will be ran, a check will be made for CrystalReports and if not found it will be downloaded automatically (this behavior is configurable)
  • Provide CrystalReports setup with you own application - you will have to include the "merge modules" from CrystalReports (.msm) in your setup