




Hey there, I've got a Filemaker calculation that generates an HTML page with several tables.

If the calculation results in values for certain fields the result would be

<tr><td>Example value 1</td></tr>
<tr><td>Example value 2</td></tr>

If the calculation finds no values to be displayed, the result would simply be


In the first case, I want to the table to display a border at the bottom (or any other horizontal line); in the second case, I don't want to display a border at the bottom.

I cannot find a way to get this done using a CSS...

Thanks in adavance :-)


Easy using javascript, but if it has to be css only, what about using the tag to place your border on?

    <tr><td>Example value 1</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Example value 2</td></tr>

Example here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_tbody

+1  A: 

You can get as close as possible with this, given you can't change the markup:

table tr:last td { border-bottom: solid 1px blue; }

If you're generating multiple tables you need this (though less-supported):

table tr:last-child td { border-bottom: solid 1px blue; }

No guarantees on IE6 though.

However, I strongly suggest you don't generate an empty table if you can avoid it, it's invalid HTML. If you did this your CSS gets simpler as well, just giving table this:

table { border-bottom: solid 1px blue; }
Nick Craver
Isn't it `:last-child`? I never knew about the shorthand, thanks if it works! +1
@alex - Yes if you're generating more than 1 table per you'd switch to that, but it's even less-supported, so hopefully it's 1 table...I'll update
Nick Craver
Guys, Thank you very much for your fast help and comments...@Nick Craver - Thanks for this solution. It works well!Here's the reason for my request: When a user opens a record in my FileMaker solution, the corresponding HTML code is being generated and displayed (in this case the result of the calculation cannot be stored in FileMaker). I would have preferred to let the generator do less calculation work if simple CSS / HTML formatting would have solved the problem. But I'll stick to your advice of not creating empty tables - to avoid trouble in the future... Thanks again.