




Hi, I am getting a timeout exception when trying to use a net tcp endpoint through code that has no security and is streamed like so:

NetTcpBinding binding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.None);
binding.TransferMode = TransferMode.Streamed;
binding.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

the same code would work if i just leave out the SecurityMode.None or choose SecurityMode.Transport, the exception is on a timeout that is too low, i tired adding all the timeouts for recive, send, open, close and set them all to Max and that didnt work.

im using sample code from: http://csharp-codesamples.com/2009/02/data-transfer-using-self-hosted-wcf-service/

Any explenation as to how to use no security in this scenario would be appriciated.

Thanks, Totem


Sometimes WCF gives the wrong error message.

Only some security modes work when you are using streaming. You cannot sign a message, when you do not know how long it is.

Transport security mode works and is default, therefore it works when you do not specify the transport mode.


Shiraz Bhaiji
I dont understand your explenation since SecurityMode.None doesnt work. if you cannot sign the message (which i understand) why would trying to set no security fail, and set transport security work.