



What is the correct way to setup a named pipe in C# across a network?

Currently I have two machines, 'client' and 'server'.

Server sets up its pipe in the following manner:

NamedPipeServerStream pipeServer = new NamedPipeServerStream(
//... Read some data from the pipe

The client sets up its connection in the following manner:

NamedPipeClientStream pipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(
pipeClient.Connect(); //This line throws an exception
//... Write some data to the pipe

The 'server' machine can be accessed on the network by going to "\\server".

Whenever I run the program, I get a System.UnauthorizedAccessException that says "Access to the path is denied." The code works fine when I run the server and client on my local machine and attempt to connect to "." with the client.


Look in the System.Runtime.Remoting namespace. IIRC, named pipes are one option for the protocol used by remoting channels.

Joel Coehoorn
I'm not sure what I should be looking for...
+1  A: 

have you tried to set PipeTransmissionMode.Message on the server?

Yes, but it still does not work.
+2  A: 

You need to set permissions on the NamedPipeServerStream so that the client will have permissions to access the pipe.

I would look at the SetAccessControl method of your NamedPipeServerStream.


It is not possible to used named pipes between machines.

"The WCF-NetNamedPipe adapter provides cross-process communication on the same computer"

Shiraz Bhaiji
This is Bizz Server, not Windows doc. states that it should work!
That may be a WCF limitation. Named pipes in Windows (like the one the person is asking about) can work across networks. From:"Named pipes can be used for interprocess communication locally or over a network" There are some limitations - Local lans only (so the moment you hit a router it stops) - Older versions of Windows (like 2000) limit to 10 connections - Anonymous pipes are single machine only
Robert MacLean

I am having issues with Named pipes.

The following is the scenario. I have 2 winform applications, app1 and app2. One consist of a textbox and a button and another application has just a list box. The idea is to type some text in app-1, press a button to send the text and it should populate the list box of app2.

i am using sw.Write(textbox1.text) to write to the pipe. it does'nt populate the listbox of app2. But if i close streamwriter using sw.close(), it immediately writes the string to listbox. BUT, sw.close also closes the pipe since the sw is created using the pipe like sw = new streamwriter(pipe);

Does this mean whenever i want to send a message i need to create a new pipeserver and write to pipe and close. Can I not open a pipe once and keep dumping messages inside whenever i want and close it when the application closes?
