var str = "something 123 foo 432";
// Replace all non-digits:
str = str.replace(/\D/g, '');
alert(str); // alerts "123432"
In response to your edited question, extracting a string of digits from a string can be simple, depending on whether you want to target a specific area of the string or if you simply want to extract the first-occurring string of digits. Try this:
var url = "";
var digitMatch = url.match(/\d+/); // matches one or more digits
alert(digitMatch[0]); // alerts "1234"
// or:
var url = "http://x/y/1234/z/456/v/890";
var digitMatch = url.match(/\d+/g); // matches one or more digits [global search]
digitMatch; // => ['1234', '456', '890']