This should give you an idea how animate your width.
int _collapsedWidth;
int _fullWidth;
float _speed;
float _acurateWidth;
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch ();
int _animationDirection;
AnimatedControl (){
Application.Idle += ApplicationIdle;
void Expand (){
_animationDirection = 1;
void ApplicationIdle (object sender, EventArgs e){
if (_animation.Direction == 0)
float delta = _stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds * _speed;
_acurateWidth += delta;
if (_acurateWidth < _collapsedWidth)
_animationDirection = 0;
_acurateWidth = _collapsedWidth;
else if (_acurateWidth > _fullWidth)
_animationDirection = 0;
_acurateWidth = _fullWidth;
this.Width = (int)System.Math.Round(_acurateWidth , MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
this.Invalidate (); // May not need this
and for the pictures, somthing similar but using translucent images, you might want to make a new control with a transparent background color for them as well depending how you want to paint things.
You can then put this control into one of the LayoutPanel
controls to move your other controls around in the form to match the width.