I'm building a Dojo DataGrid from JSON data provided by my REST interface. The DataGrid loads the data fine using a QueryReadStore, but doesn't seem to work with the same same data piped into a JsonRestStore.
I'm using the following Dojo libs with Dojo 1.4.1:
I declare my stores in the following manner:
var storeJRS = new dojox.data.JsonRestStore({target:"api/collaborations.php/1"});
var storeQRS = new dojox.data.QueryReadStore({url:"api/collaborations.php/1", requestMethod:"get"});
I create my grid layout like this:
var gridLayout = [
new dojox.grid.cells.RowIndex({ name: "Row #", width: 5, styles: "text-align: left;" }),
name: "Name",
field: "name",
styles: "text-align:right;",
name: "Description",
field: "description",
I create my DataGrid as follows:
<div dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" jsid="grid2" store="storeQRS" structure="gridLayout" style="height:500px; width:1000px;"></div>
The above works, but if I use QueryReadStore as my store, the grid is created with the headers (Name, Description), but it isn't populated with any rows:
<div dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" jsid="grid3" store="storeQRS" structure="gridLayout" style="height:500px; width:1000px;"></div>
Using FireBug, I can see that QueryReadStore is getting my JSON data from my REST interface. It looks like the following:
{"numRows":6,"items":[{"name":"My Super Cool Collab","description":"This is for all the super cool people in the super cool group","id":1},{"name":"My Other Super Cool","description":"This is for all the other super cool people","id":3},{"name":"This is another coll","description":"This is just some other collab","id":4},{"name":"some new collab","description":"this is a new collab","id":5},{"name":"yet another new coll","description":"uh huh","id":6},{"name":"asdf","description":"asdf","id":7}]}
Any ideas? Thanks.