



+2  Q: 

.NET Comet engine

is there a .net based comet engine? like Ajax Push Engine

that is free and open source?

+5  A: 

Orbited is an HTTP daemon that is optimized for long-lasting comet connections. It is designed to be easily integrated with new and existing applications. Orbited allows you to write real-time web applications, such as a chat room or instant messaging client, without using any external plugins like Flash or Java.

It can be installed as a windows service. The license is MIT.

MethodWorx was developed out of this series of articles on Code Project. It has an Open Source license.

This is a packaged version of a library the we used in some projects to enable COMET polling or Long-Polling within some of our ASP.NET applications.

It uses an Asynchronous HTTP handler to keep ASP.NET connections open to wait for events to occur, enabling real-time AJAX callbacks.

There are several more Open Source Comet projects:

  • aspcomet The aim of this project is to develop a COMET implementation which does not require a custom server, but can run in native IIS.
  • emerge toolkit. No project activity in quite some time.
Lachlan Roche
+3  A: 

There is.. PokeIn Comet Ajax Library for ASP.NET . Works under IIS(.NET), Apache and Ngix(Mono) .
