



I know that I can take my application and get it reversed to a UML document, but that doesn't tell the whole story of things like who can use what, what it calls in the way of stored procedures, what pages call what pages etc. etc.

Does anyone know of an article where someone has a comprehensive way to document a web application/site? Or shall I just make up my own way?


For all classes and methods I would recommend XML comments

They can be turned into documentation automatically.

Dustin Laine
Softwares arent documented using xml comments for classes and functions. A possible approach might be to first classify layers, then write class relationship in that layer and then write the purpose of that class, followed by the function documentation alongwith an example showing how to use that function.
You should read the article, before declaring that it is not possible. It is very much possible. And the question was looking for ways, which is one I suggested. Good enough he marked as answer.
Dustin Laine