



Why doesnt this delete work to delete the whole record:

$query = 'DELETE FROM tblEvents WHERE index = $_GET["id"]';
$result = mysql_query($query, $db) or die(mysql_error($db));

Where index is variable of type int, auto_incremented in MySQL?

+4  A: 

Your question php is related, not mysql.
print $query; and see.
then refer to php strings syntax, for the proper syntax.

Also, a variable that goes to the query, must be properly prepared, escaped, or, in case of integer value, manually cast to this type,


or, to make it single line,

$query = 'DELETE FROM tblEvents WHERE `index` = '.intval($_GET["id"]);

also, index is reserved word that can cause problems too, you can escape it with backticks,


but it will be much better if you rename it to just id

Col. Shrapnel
better to cast to (int) rather than intvat() - faster and the input should be trusted anyway, no need to extract whatever integers might be in an alphanum string
There is no word "faster" in such a trifle things. both operators are equal and I prefer most familiar one.
Col. Shrapnel
Great thanks it was the reserved word index.
@Shrapnel general good practice, language constructs actually *are* faster by definition
oh no, don't talk of speed of syntax issues. that's ridiculous. this article is rubbish
Col. Shrapnel
I shall talk of speed no more :)

Col. Shrapnel is right, you can't use variables directly in a string in single quotes. If you use double quotes around your query, it will work.

EDIT: As Col. Shrapnel said in his comment, in this case you'll also have to change the double quotes in the array offset to single quotes.

Actually in this very case it wouldn't :)Associative arrays have it special syntax with double quoted strings.
Col. Shrapnel
You'll have to use single quotes in the array key.
No, singles won't work too. Either `$_GET[id]` or `{$_GET['id']}` would. that's why I said syntax is "special"
Col. Shrapnel
lol, okay.. I'm gonna stop posting here now... :P

You should test for delete success with a separate query

$query = 'DELETE FROM tblEvents WHERE index = $_GET["id"]';
mysql_query($query, $db);
if( mysql_affected_rows < 1 ) die();

Hopefully you already know this, but you need to secure that $_GET['id'] so people can't do SQL Injection. Try using the following instead:

$query = sprintf('DELETE FROM tblEvents WHERE index = %d',mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']));

This also solves your problem of using a variable in single quotes instead of double quotes.

if you wanted you could also do:

$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
$query = "DELETE FROM tblEvents WHERE index = {$id}";

This works too.

your mysql_real_escape_string can secure nothing.
Col. Shrapnel
According to mysql's site it does:
Read it carefully. It is not a magic word that makes everything "safe". It's part of syntax. You failed to follow all it rules.
Col. Shrapnel
I agree its not the magic wand, but explaining all of that here i thought would be a little too much, especially since i didn't know if he already knew or not. Maybe i should have link for more info the article. Anyway, I literally just mimicked php's example 1. So please tell me what i'm missing, besides like stripslashes or something.
quotes around value is the thing that missed. it works only together with escaping. most people do quote but forget to escape, but you do opposite :)
Col. Shrapnel