If you're using PHP you can use the GnuPG extension to easily encrypt any credentials on your side, and decrypting them before making the API calls.
Here's a check list of things you need:
- make sure gpg is installed on your system;
- create a gpg key pair and store the files on a safe location;
- optionally password protect the generated private key;
- use PHP's GnuPG extension to encrypt and decrypt data using those keys.
Here's a small PHP example, taken from the gnupg_encrypt() manual:
$res = gnupg_init();
$enc = gnupg_encrypt($res, "just a test");
echo $enc;
This technique should also be applied even if you're using OAuth or other password-less authentication method. A common mistake is to use OAuth and not encrypt locally saved tokens as access to those tokens might give anyone the power to act on behalf of the user.