




I'd like to read a file that has been binary saved by a vb prog.

the file should be read line by line, 'cause every single line represents an object with many attributes.

a link looks the following:

999011011/10/1                        ELW                                               

the structure of data types is:

Public Type FahrzeugDAT
    Kennung As String * 8
    Name As String * 30
    Info As String * 50
    StatusFzg As Integer
    DatumFzg As Date
    StatusLst As Integer
    DatumLst As Date
    TKI As Integer
    Folgetlg As Integer
    LstKurztext As String * 100
    FME1 As String * 5
    FME2 As String * 5
    FME3 As String * 5
    DME1 As String * 8
    DME2 As String * 8
    DME3 As String * 8
    Bemerkung As String * 256
    Art As Long
    Standort As Long
End Type