




I am planning to learn JSON with .net looking for good book. I know we can get lot of online resource which i am refering to. But i would like to read the book that way i can will cover all the topics and know more on JSON.

+7  A: 

If you need to ask a question about such a relatively simple element of Javascript, I'd suggest a book on the basics Javascript would be a better start. There's no way you could squeeze a whole book out of JSON.

... is there?

+1 - My thoughts exactly. JSON is just a transfer format, an object in a delimited string format. Javascript and web services are what you should learn.
Dustin Laine
+2  A: 

I'm not sure there are any books on JSON. It is a very simple markup (notation).

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is truly just a subtopic of Javascript.

The basics:

  • An object: {}
  • An array: []
  • A property (key/value pair): key: value
  • A rule: Multiple properties within an object are separated by commas.

There you have it. With the above I can create a simple object:

var myObj = { 
    name: "My Object's Name", 
    list: [ 'some', 'array', 'of', 'things' ], 
    subObj: { prop1: "Another object" } 

You now know about 95% of all there is to know about JSON. For the rest look at http://www.json.org.

Joel Potter
I think you just did. :-)
I would have given you more points if I could.

Best bet would be to go to MSDN Library:

  1. MSDN Library: Introduction to JSON with .NET