



I've got a problem using an ISQLQuery with an AddJoin. The entity I'm trying to return is RegionalFees, which has a composite-id which includes a Province instance. (This is the the instance being improperly loaded.)

Here's the mapping:

<class name="Project.RegionalFees, Project" table="tblRegionalFees">
 <composite-id name="Id"
  class="Project.RegionalFeesId, project"
   unsaved-value="any" access="property">

  <key-many-to-one class="Project.Province, Project"
   name="Region" access="property" column="provinceId" not-found="exception" />
  <key-property name="StartDate" access="property" column="startDate" type="DateTime" />

 <property name="SomeFee" column="someFee" type="Decimal" />
 <property name="SomeOtherFee" column="someOtherFee" type="Decimal" />

 <!-- Other unrelated stuff -->

<class name="Project.Province, Project" table="trefProvince" mutable="false">
 <id name="Id" column="provinceId" type="Int64" unsaved-value="0">
  <generator class="identity" />

 <property name="Code" column="code" access="nosetter.pascalcase-m-underscore" />
 <property name="Label" column="label" access="nosetter.pascalcase-m-underscore" />

Here's my query method:

public IEnumerable<RegionalFees> GetRegionalFees()
 // Using an ISQLQuery cause there doesn't appear to be an equivalent of 
 // the SQL HAVING clause, which would be optimal for loading this set
 const String qryStr = 
  "SELECT * " +
  "FROM tblRegionalFees INNER JOIN trefProvince " +
   "ON tblRegionalFees.provinceId=trefProvince.provinceId " +
   "SELECT provinceId, MAX(startDate) AS MostRecentFeesDate " +
   "FROM tblRegionalFees InnerRF " +
   "WHERE tblRegionalFees.provinceId=InnerRF.provinceId " +
    "AND startDate <= ? " +
   "GROUP BY provinceId " +
   "HAVING tblRegionalFees.startDate=MAX(startDate))";

 var qry = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession().CreateSQLQuery(qryStr);
 qry.SetDateTime(0, DateTime.Now);
 qry.AddEntity("RegFees", typeof(RegionalFees));
 qry.AddJoin("Region", "RegFees.Id.Region");

 return qry.List<RegionalFees>();

The odd behavior here is that when I call GetRegionalFees (whose goal is to load just the most recent fee instances per region), it all loads fine if the Province instance is a proxy. If, however, Province is not loaded as a transparent proxy, the Province instance which is part of RegionalFees' RegionalFeesId property has null Code and Region values, although the Id value is set correctly.

It looks to me like I have a problem in how I'm joining the Province class - since if it's lazy loaded the id is set from tblRegionalFees, and it gets loaded independently afterwards - but I haven't been able to figure out the solution.


well i can't see the mistake, although you are doing

qry.AddEntity("RegFees", typeof(RegionalFees));

and i don't see anything aliased as 'RegFees'.

Nevertheless is there a particular reason you are doing this with an ISQLQuery? you can do it with an HQLQuery , check chapter "13.10. The Group By Clause" in the latest nhibernate reference

That's just an alias for RegionalFees, which allows me to refer to it in the call to AddJoin. Thanks for the HQL tip - I was using an SQL query cause I didn't realize HQL supported "having" clauses.
Remi Despres-Smyth