



I'm trying to fetch Wikipedia pages using LWP::Simple, but they're not coming back. This code:

use strict;
use LWP::Simple;

print get("");

doesn't print anything. But if I use some other webpage, say, it works fine.

Is there some other name that I should be using to refer to Wikipedia pages?

What could be going on here?

+11  A: 

Apparently Wikipedia blocks LWP::Simple requests:

The following works instead:

use strict;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $url = "";

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $res = $ua->get($url);

print $res->content;
Jesse Beder
+4  A: 

Because Wikipedia is blocking the HTTP user-agent string used by LWP::Simple.

You will get a "403 Forbidden"-response if you try using it.

Try the LWP::UserAgent module to work around this, setting the agent-attribute.

+4  A: 

Also see the Mediawiki related CPAN modules - these are designed to hit Mediawiki sites (of which wikipedia is one) and might give you more bells and whistles than simple LWP.

Jonathan Swartz
+8  A: 

You can also just set the UA on the LWP::Simple module - just import the $ua variable, and it'll allow you to modify the underlying UserAgent:

use LWP::Simple qw/get $ua/;
print get("");