I'm currently taking care of a certain local website.
The default port has been changed, and can no longer be not included in the URL due to technical reasons, so now i'm using a certain port in the end of the IP at the URL, for example
no longer works (which accessed 80 by default)
with the port, works.
Works, though I can't click in any link or anything and the port vanishes (new page doesn't load). Then I keep the same URL and just include the port at the end of the IP and it works again, until I click in another link inside of it.
I have access to changing each link, but I guess that would not be the right approach.
How should I procceed ?
All URL's are already relative, and the whole issue of this question is not applicable in IE, this only happens on other browsers.
What I said about changing each link would be something like
But I really don't know..
As requested:
<asp:HyperLink runat="server" Text="link" NavigateUrl="~/folder/folder/page.aspx" />