



Hi guys. I've had this thought for a long time in my head now and i've not been able to find the solution to it ! Please help me.

I've always loved the visual studio tabs and how they look. They're small and perfect. The normal TabControl, well is -bleh- and boring ! And i've seen these tabs being used in many applications .. so, my Question is this:

Is that like a DLL that is available out there that i can link in order to get this control ?

For all those who are wondering what tabs i'm talking about, feel free to check out the image below

Visual Studio Tabs


found this googling


Telerik has a great TabStrip product whether you are looking for WinForms, WebForms, WPF, Silverlight, or MVC. All of these tabs can be customized and they come with some great default styles, you can find many more (including some VS templates) online, or you can create your own, which isn't that hard. They even provide a tool to help you create your own. Some of their products cost money and some are free, so it depends on what you're looking for.

+3  A: 

You need "DockPanel Suite by mtwombley, spudcud, weifenluo".

It's an awsome open-source project, and you can get it at

+1 for those names alone.
Henk Holterman