



What are the best resource to study the following: JavaScript, AJAX, CodeIgniter Smarty?

+4  A: 

OReilly's Javascript: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition (or later)

+5  A: 

Though perhaps not suited as a first book on JavaScript, I recommend

JavaScript - the Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. It will keep you from doing some dumb things.

Carl Smotricz
+1 Douglas Crockford :). Also, his videos on YDN.
N 1.1
+3  A: 

CodeIgniter has a great User Guide. Just download CI and start building a simple web site, using the guide as a starting point and reference.

Also, I would recommend using jQuery for your JavaScript and AJAX - it will make your life much easier!

Justin Ethier
+1  A: 

Net Tuts has some of the best tutorials on the net.

+4  A: 

Digging into JQuery and using it is a great way to crash course into something more complex than "hello world" with javascript

In general, you will learn a lot if you just do stuff in this fashion.

  1. Pick a feature you think is cool
  2. Google it to find a solution
  3. Instead of copy/paste, make sure you understand what the code actually does, and how
  4. Change it in some way to make sure your understanding is correct \
  5. Use Google to find out why your changes failed
  6. Rinse/Repeat
Russell Steen
+3  A: 

You should definitely take a visit to
