Yes, the lexicographical order of strings in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss
works as intended. You could even sort dates like that.
$dts = array(
'1000-01-01 00:00:00',
'2010-03-16 21:22:19',
'1000-01-01 00:00:10',
'1976-03-27 05:55:00',
'1976-03-27 05:54:00',
'1968-08-21 12:00:00',
'2001-01-01 00:00:01'
foreach($dts as $dt) {
echo $dt, "\n";
1000-01-01 00:00:00
1000-01-01 00:00:10
1968-08-21 12:00:00
1976-03-27 05:54:00
1976-03-27 05:55:00
2001-01-01 00:00:01
2010-03-16 21:22:19
But keep in mind that you will get no feedback for strings that are not in the right format. So, if it could be that there are malformed strings you'd better check that, too. If that is not a concern, string1>string2 is ok.
edit: You could even let MySQL do the work. If this is better/equal/worse to doing it in php depends on what you're actually trying to achieve. E.g.
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", 'localonly', 'localonly');
// setting up a sample table with some values
$pdo->exec('CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo (id int auto_increment, d datetime NOT NULL, primary key(id))');
$pdo->exec("INSERT INTO foo (d) VALUES ('1000-01-01 00:00:00'),('2010-03-16 21:22:19'),('1000-01-01 00:00:10'),('1976-03-27 05:55:00')");
$query = "
(d>'1910-03-17 12:00:00') as flag
foreach ( $pdo->query($query) as $row ) {
echo $row['flag'] ? '+ ':'- ', $row['d'], "\n";
- 1000-01-01 00:00:00
+ 2010-03-16 21:22:19
- 1000-01-01 00:00:10
+ 1976-03-27 05:55:00