Hello guys,
I hope I can explain this right I have two input fields that require a price to be entered into them in order for donation to go through and submit.
The problem that I am having is that I would like the validation process check to see if one of the two fields has a value if so then proceed to submit. If both fields are empty then alert.
This is what I have in place now after adding some of the input i received earlier today:
function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
with (field)
if (value==null||value=="")
alert(alerttxt); return false;
return true;
function validate_form(thisform)
with (thisform)
if (validate_required(billing_name_first,"You must enter your first name to donate")==false)
{billing_name_first.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(billing_name_last,"You must enter your last name to donate")==false)
{billing_name_last.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(billing_address_street1,"You must enter your billing street address to donate")==false)
{billing_address_street1.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(billing_address_city,"You must enter your billing address city to donate")==false)
{billing_address_city.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(billing_address_state,"You must enter your billing address state to donate")==false)
{billing_address_state.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(billing_address_zip,"You must enter your billing address zip code to donate")==false)
{billing_address_zip.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(billing_address_country,"You must enter your billing address country to donate")==false)
{billing_address_country.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(donor_email,"You must enter your email address to donate")==false)
{donor_email.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(card_number,"You must enter your credit card number to donate")==false)
{card_number.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(card_cvv,"You must enter your credit card security code to donate")==false)
{card_cvv.focus();return false;}
else if (validate_required(input1,"Need to enter a donation amount to continue")==false && validate_required(input2, "Need to enter a donation amount to continue")==false)
return false;
This works fine... other than the fact that I get a message that reads error undefined... which i click ok about 2 times then I get the correct alert and instead of allowing me to correct the problem in IE7 and IE8 the form just processes.
Thanks guys any help would do