



Hello guys,

I hope I can explain this right I have two input fields that require a price to be entered into them in order for donation to go through and submit.

The problem that I am having is that I would like the validation process check to see if one of the two fields has a value if so then proceed to submit. If both fields are empty then alert.

This is what I have in place now after adding some of the input i received earlier today:

 function validate_required(field,alerttxt)
with (field) 
    if (value==null||value=="") 
        alert(alerttxt); return false;
        return true;

function validate_form(thisform)
with (thisform)

    if (validate_required(billing_name_first,"You must enter your first name to donate")==false)
    {billing_name_first.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(billing_name_last,"You must enter your last name to donate")==false)
    {billing_name_last.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(billing_address_street1,"You must enter your billing street address to donate")==false)
    {billing_address_street1.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(billing_address_city,"You must enter your billing address city to donate")==false)
    {billing_address_city.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(billing_address_state,"You must enter your billing address state to donate")==false)
    {billing_address_state.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(billing_address_zip,"You must enter your billing address zip code to donate")==false)
    {billing_address_zip.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(billing_address_country,"You must enter your billing address country to donate")==false)
    {billing_address_country.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(donor_email,"You must enter your email address to donate")==false)
    {donor_email.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(card_number,"You must enter your credit card number to donate")==false)
    {card_number.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(card_cvv,"You must enter your credit card security code to donate")==false)
    {card_cvv.focus();return false;}

    else if (validate_required(input1,"Need to enter a donation amount to continue")==false && validate_required(input2, "Need to enter a donation amount to continue")==false) 
        return false;

This works fine... other than the fact that I get a message that reads error undefined... which i click ok about 2 times then I get the correct alert and instead of allowing me to correct the problem in IE7 and IE8 the form just processes.

Thanks guys any help would do



Look at the jQuery validation plugin. With the plugin it would just be a matter setting up the rules properly. You could get fancier and replace the default messages if you want. Check out the examples.

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
            'input1': {
                  required: {
                      depends: function() { $('#input2').val() == '' }

This sets it up so that input1 is required if input2 is empty, which should be sufficient since if input1 has a value, you don't need input2 and if neither has a value, then it will show your message for input1.

<input type="text" name="input1"  />
<input type="text" name="input2"  />
Yes I have played with that before... but was wondering how I can tweak what I have here...
Then look at @lincolnk's solution.
@Matthew - I just noticed that you needed an either/or not both solution. I've updated my answer.

take the alert() out of your assessment function- you're trying to do too much at once. a function to determine if input is valid or not should do only that one thing.

determine the state of your inputs first and then do something like

var field1Pass = validate_required(input1);
var field2Pass = validate_required(input2);

if ( !(field1Pass && field2Pass)  ) {
    alert("Need a donation amount to continue");
    // TODO: logic to determine which field to focus on
    return false;

If I am understanding correctly, you only want to do the alert if both of the inputs are empty. If that's the case here's a refactoring of your code that will handle that.

function validate_required(field) 
    with (field) 
        if (value==null||value=="") 
            return false;
            return true;
function validate_form(thisform) 
    with (thisform)
        if (validate_required(input1)==false && validate_required(input2)==false) 
            alert('Need a donation to continue');
            return false;
Hey man thanks... works like a charm.Thanks guys!
One last thing... when the submit button is clicked in IE7 and IE8 the form still processes even thou an error is thrown... Any Ideas?
@Matthew - nothing obvious comes to mind. Is this separate from the form validation? Seeing your html may help.
Let me just post a link to the site i'm placing this in
@Matthew - I can't really test anything there since it will really submit a donation. If you are still having trouble I suggest you isolate the error as best as you can and post it as a new question.
Yes... your right sorry about that. I need to to get this up and running.
var msg = "Need a donation amount to continue";

function validate_required(value) {
    if(isNaN(value) || value == null || value == "") {
        return false;
    return true;

function validate_form(thisform) {
    var i1 = validate_required($(thisform.input1).val());
    var i2 = validate_required($(thisform.input2).val());
    if(!(i1 && i2)) {
        return false;

Here's my take, with refocusing on the first field that failed:


<form action="#" onsubmit="return validate(this);">
    <input type="text" name="val0" /><br />
    <input type="text" name="val1" /><br />
    <input type="submit" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    function validate(form) {
        var val0Elem = form.val0, val1Elem=form.val1, elementToFocus;
        // check fields and save where it went wrong
        if (!numeric(val0Elem.value)) {elementToFocus=val0Elem;}
        else if (!numeric(val1Elem.value)) {elementToFocus=val1Elem;}
        // if there is an element to focus now, some validation failed
        if (elementToFocus) {
            alert('Enter numbers in both fields, please.')
            // using select() instead of focus to help user
            // get rid of his crap entry :)
            // ..and fail!
            return false;
        // Helper function, "if a string is numeric":
        // 1: it is not 'falsy' (null, undefined or empty)
        // 2: it is longer than 0 too (so that '0' can be accepted)
        // 3: it passes check for numericality using the builtin function isNaN
        function numeric(s) {return (s && s.length>0 && !isNaN(s));}
