I have been googling for hours looking for something to handle my situation. I am not skilled enough to write my own jquery plugin ..YET!!
The plugin should auto-sort the list, not as important as being able to add/remove items from the list easily. Themeroller capable would be a plus.
I would basically use anything as long as I could add a item to the list (or any other container for that matter), item is coming from a modal popup that is using ajax to search for the item. Once the item is found I want to click that item and have it added to the list and it would put it into the correct order based on alphabetic sort. I think where I am losing sight is the complexity of the item and needing to have the item contain:
- The name of the item
- a hidden value, [the int id of the item],
- one or two checkboxes for turning on/off a feature for that item.
I am really open to any ideas, suggestions on a better process, or a pointer to a plugin that might get me close.