I want to know how does the SQL Server know what @p# is in say this LINQtoSQL quey
SELECT [t0].[MemberID], [t0].[Aspnetusername], [t0].[Aspnetpassword], [t0].[EmailAddr], [t0].[DateCreated], [t0].[Location], [t0].[DaimokuGoal], [t0].[PreviewImageID], [t0].[LastDaimoku] AS [LastDaimoku], [t0].[LastNotefied] AS [LastNotefied], [t0].[LastActivityDate] AS [LastActivityDate], [t0].[IsActivated]
FROM [dbo].[Members] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[MemberStats] AS [t1] ON [t0].[MemberID] = [t1].[MemberID]
WHERE [t1].[TotalDeterminations] > @p0
When viewing SQLProfiler this is what gets executed against the database...but there is nothing telling SQL the value of @p0 so how does it know what that value is?